Rags to Riches: Sylvester Stallone

Sylvester Stallone's Struggles

Recruiting, applying for grad programs, and building a business are all tough and grueling processes. When you are on cold email number 400 and you still haven’t landed a job yet, things start to take a toll on you. I personally remember getting frustrated with the process. The purpose of the Rags to Riches section is to remind us of the struggles successful people have faced. Things don’t come easy and these short stories are to remind us to keep pushing. Sylvester Stallone’s Struggles:

Stallone’s Journey

You know the man. Born Sylvester Enzio Stallone (July 6, 1946) to an Italian-American father and an American mother with French and Ukrainian-Jewish origins, Sylvester Stallone is an American writer, actor, director, and artist. You’ve for sure seen his movies, if you haven’t, we can send you help.

The Struggles (Rags)

From birth, the odds seemed to be against Stallone. Following a complicated birth, forceps were used to bring baby Stallone into the world. Unfortunately, a nerve was accidentally severed in the process. This resulted in paralysis on the lower left side of his face. The paralysis left him with his signature droop and slurred speech.  Young Stallone suffered through a rocky childhood living with parents in a hostile relationship. Following their divorce in 1957, young Stallone stayed with his father.

Stallone was a troubled teenager. He was kicked out of several schools for misbehaving.  He struggled academically and had low esteem issues. When he went to stay with his mother, he was enrolled in a special high school for troubled youth. He chose Drama in all the higher institutes of learning that he attended. He studied drama at the American College in Switzerland and chose dramatic arts at the University of Miami, shortly after he dropped out of university and moved to New York City to chase his acting dream.

New York City wasn’t kind to Stallone (NYC isn’t kind to anyone) in his bid to pursue an acting career. He auditioned for as many casting agents as he could and was not as successful. To survive, he took on several odd jobs. At one point, after being evicted from his apartment and sleeping on the streets for several days, he took up a role in the adult film, The Party at Kitty and Stud’s. For two day’s work, he was paid $200 (not bad..).

Apart from acting, Stallone also has a passion for writing. He spent all his free time writing screenplays as he waited for his acting break. From time to time, he was also thrown a bone or two in unmemorable appearances on films such as What’s up, Doc? (1972), MASH(1970), Pigeons(1970), and Bananas(1971).

His first break came in 1974 when he was given a lead role in the film, The Lords of Flatbush. With his paycheck, he left New York for Hollywood.

His Big Break (Riches)

He continued writing his scripts as he chased his acting dream. One of the scripts he wrote was of Rocky Balboa (after being inspired by the Muhammad Ali & Chuck Wepner championship fight), a struggling thug whose dream was to become a professional boxer. Several producers made offers to buy the script from him but he dug in his heels and insisted that the only way the script would see film light was if he was given the lead role. He was offered $265,000 for the script but refused to sell unless he could play the lead. Imagine how difficult that must have been to turn down.

Rocky” was released in 1976. It was a hit, earning 10 Academy Award nominations. The rest as they say is history! He went on to write, direct, and star in the “Rocky” franchise. He also starred in a few movies such as F.I.ST, Escape to Victory, and Nighthawks before launching another hit franchise, “Rambo”. Over the years, Stallone has starred in numerous movies such as Grudge Match, Bullet to the Head, Escape Plan, The Expendables 2, The Expendables 3, and Tango & Cash. He has also written, directed, and starred in The Expendables, Paradise Alley, and Rocky II.

No more sleeping on the streets for Mr. Stallone. He bet on himself. If he sold that script for $265,000, I’m not sure we would know who he is today.

Our Favorite Quote

“I am not the richest, smartest, or most talented person in the world, but I succeed because I keep going and going and going.”

Sylvester Stallone

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